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  • Hi, I'm
    Adriana Lamb +

  • Welcome to my website

    A Little About Me...

    I am a an experienced full-stack developer specializing in cybersecurity, AWS cloud engineering, Angular, and big data development. My expertise is complemented by a drive for continuous improvement. Attending various seminars and boot camps, my focus is on honing skills and enhancing my capabilities in coding and software development.

    Innovation That Flows

      Full-Stack developer

      I offer Full-Stack Development expertise, blending front-end finesse with back-end efficiency. Skilled in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Node.js, and Java, I create intuitive interfaces and robust back-end solutions for optimized user experiences.

      Responsive Designs

      I specialize in comprehensive Full-Stack Development, seamlessly integrating front-end finesse with back-end efficiency. With expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I craft intuitive interfaces that elevate user experiences.


      As your programming mentor, I'm here to supercharge your skills. Through dynamic lessons and exciting projects, I'll propel your coding journey forward. Let's unleash your full potential and create amazing things together!

    "In a world of algorithms and lines of code, remember that YOU are the true source of innovation."

    I approach my work as a full-stack developer with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a drive to achieve excellence. Over 5 rewarding years in technology consulting, I have been fortunate enough to serve clients around the world, advise startups, and play an instrumental role in some of the most cutting-edge digital innovation projects. With vast experience in cybersecurity, cloud engineering, front-end design, and big data solutions, I am thrilled to constantly be learning and honing my skills for the sake of delivering outstanding results for my clients. Technology is empowering me to make a real impact through inspired design decisions!

      Front-End Development

    • Angular
    • React
    • Django
    • Bootstrap
    • JavaScript
    • Node.js
    • Typescript

      Back-End Development

    • Java
    • Go
    • SQL
    • Spark
    • Posgres
    • DynamoDB
    • C#
    • C++
    • Python
    • Maven
    • Gradle


    • AWS
    • GoCD
    • Jenkins
    • Terraform
    • Veracode
    • Nexus
    • Sonatype
    • WinSCP
    • Putty
    • Linux
    • Makefile
    • Bash

    Let's Talk!

    Have any project ideas? Looking to kickstart your career in tech? Schedule time with me to talk!

    Tech spans beyond code, driving innovation in design, science, healthcare, and more.

    Psst...I'm growing a community specifically focused on teaching YOU more about programming.


    Why a Strong Email Signature is Vital in Today's Competitive Job Market

     In today's market, it's more essential than ever to stand out. Even highly experienced developers might have trouble landing a job in the current market. With that being said, here are 3 big reasons why having a strong email signature is crucial: It showcases your professionalism and attention to detail. Your email is your first impression in the professional world, and it should reflect your brand and uniqueness as an individual. By utilizing graphics and design elements, you not only showcase attention to detail, but also elevate your professionalism. A plain email lacking visual appeal may not catch a recruiter's eye and could potentially put you at a disadvantage among numerous other applicants vying for the same position. Take advantage of this opportunity to market yourself and stand out from the crowd by creating a visually appealing email that represents who you are and what sets you apart in the industry. It provides important contact information for potential emp

    Navigating the JavaScript Developer Overflow: Exploring Opportunities in an Oversaturated Tech Industry


    Navigating the JavaScript Developer Overflow: Exploring Opportunities in an Oversaturated Tech Industry

    It's not just you... There's an oversaturation of JavaScript developers in the market.

    The tech industry is experiencing an overflow of web developers, particularly in the realm of JavaScript. While JavaScript remains a powerhouse language, the saturation of JavaScript developers has prompted aspiring tech professionals to consider alternative programming languages as a means to stand out in a crowded market.

    In this article, we will explore the implications of the oversaturation of JavaScript developers and shed light on alternative languages that can offer unique opportunities and avenues for success. By diversifying their skill sets and considering alternative languages, developers can differentiate themselves and uncover exciting career prospects.

    The Landscape of JavaScript Saturation

    To understand the impact of the oversaturation of JavaScript developers, it is essential to examine the current landscape of the tech industry.

    JavaScript has gained immense popularity due to its versatility, making it a staple language for web development. As a result, the market has become saturated with JavaScript developers, leading to increased competition and challenges for newcomers to make their mark.

    This saturation has created a demand for developers who can bring something different to the table, leading many to explore alternative programming languages as a strategic career move.

    Exploring Alternative Programming Languages

    Python: Known for its simplicity and readability, Python has gained widespread adoption in areas such as data science, machine learning, and backend development. Its extensive libraries and frameworks make it a powerful tool for various applications.

    Ruby: Ruby's elegant syntax and focus on developer happiness have made it a favorite among web developers. It is commonly used with the Ruby on Rails framework, enabling rapid development of web applications.

    Java: Java is often seen as overly complicated and verbose, yet it still dominates enterprise development. It is ubiquitous in large companies that need individuals to maintain legacy systems. Moreover, its noteworthy performance makes it great for Android applications and larger-scale enterprise programs. Plus, the Java community remains active and supportive.
    Go: Go (or Golang) has gained popularity for its simplicity, efficiency, and strong support for concurrent programming. It excels in areas like networking, distributed systems, and microservices architecture.

    The Benefits of Embracing Alternative Languages:

    Niche Opportunities

    When you diversify your skillsets, you gain the opportunity of uncovering niche opportunities in the market. This not only leads to increased job security since you're practically indispensable, but you can also demand higher pay.

    Companies are looking for professionals who are willing to go beyond the traditional and explore different areas in order to stay ahead of the competition.

    Moreover, having experience with multiple or unique programming languages allows developers to switch roles or take on more complex projects without needing extensive training. This gives them more freedom within their current role and enables them to work on innovative projects they wouldn’t be able if they hyper-rely on mainstream languages such as JavaScript.

    Access to Specific Tools and Frameworks:

    By mastering multiple languages, you open yourself up to new techniques and software that are exclusive to each language. Every programming language has its own set of libraries, frameworks, and tools. Going beyond JavaScript to other languages provides more resources and solutions to any technical obstacle.

    Having a grasp of these tools is not just beneficial, but imperative for your resume. Employers are constantly on the lookout for individuals with knowledge of highly specific frameworks. In fact, I would argue that most companies prioritize knowledge of frameworks over programming languages themselves since having expertise in the framework often means you already know the language it's built upon.

    In-Demand Domains:

    Certain programming languages are more suited to certain applications. For example, if you're a big data engineer, Scala may be necessary for your job. On the other hand, if you work in embedded engineering, Python, C++, Rust and Go might be better options.

    When I was a big data engineer, having an excellent understanding of Scala was key; other than that, however, I haven't needed to use it since. Therefore, focus on the industries that you're passionate about and invest time in learning the languages and frameworks associated with them to expand your chances of entering those fields.

    The oversaturation of JavaScript developers in the tech industry calls for innovative approaches to stand out and thrive. Exploring alternative programming languages like Python, Ruby, Java, and Go can open doors to unique opportunities and help developers carve their niche in the market. By diversifying their skill sets and embracing these alternative languages, developers can differentiate themselves, gain a competitive edge, and tap into specialized domains where their expertise is highly sought after. While JavaScript continues to be valuable, venturing beyond it expands horizons and equips developers with the tools and knowledge to tackle a broader range of projects. By navigating the overflow of web developers and embracing alternative languages, tech professionals can chart their path to success in a thriving and ever-evolving industry.
